Updated 18-Sep: Welcome to the Schriefer Blog, my name is Tavis Schriefer. Recently, my wife Jill and I raised money to supply driFIRE shirts to every soldier in Apache Company of the 1-501st Parachute Infantry Regiment. We were successful in raising over $6500 and we would like to thank everyone for all their support to make this happen.
Please read our entire message here...

Saturday, April 30, 2005

Nick's New Address and Phone Number

Nick sent me a couple pictures earlier this month and I'm just now getting them online. He said he has some more to send, but don't have them yet. Clicking on the picture below will take you to his photo album.

Also, here is Nick's new address and phone:

Pvt Schriefer
A Co. TF1 / 501st ABN
618 Access Drive, Mailbox 28
Fort Richardson, AK 99505-8105

Nick's cell phone plan has unlimited minutes after 7:00 PM (10:00 PM Central) and on weekends.

Monday, April 18, 2005

Pictures from Baghdad

Friday, I received a CD from Jonathan with lots of pictures he has taken over the past few months. Here is a link to the album on Snapfish.com. There were videos on the CD as well - I will be uploading them in the next few days. -Tavis

"Hello from Iraq"

Friday, April 08, 2005

Update from Nick

Nick is now settled in his new room and so far looks like he has it to himself. He has now finished with his in-processing and is now starting to do training exercises and lots of PT (Physical Training).

My thoughts turn to Gomer Pyle out on the snowy tundra doing jumping jacks - I'm sure Nick thinks it was that easy. From what I understand, it is quite strenuous to run in a foot of snow, however he likes the moments when they have to "take a knee", putting one knee on the ground (packed snow) because it acts as an ice pack to his strained knee.

He has spent a bit of money lately buying and preparing his uniforms with the various patches and such. Seems they will provide the stuff eventually, but they will hound you until its done - so better to just do it at your own expense. As one of the "new guys", many of the NCOs give them shit for a while - sort of like a Freshman in High School, but instead of punches in the arm, they make you see how many push-ups you can do or see how long you can "pick cherries" (stand with your arms fully extended and touch alternating fingers to your thumb).

It looks like his unit is going to be quite busy. Here are the plans as he knows so far...

  • Next week he is on a 4-day exercise on the base where they will drop in (parachute) and take over a mock city.
  • Sometime before July they will be going to Australia and then to Thailand for additional maneuvers
  • He will be home in July for leave - don't know how long yet
  • Mid-2006 it looks like their unit will be going to Iraq for a tour of duty. Obviously this info will change 48 times before then as well.

I gave him a book before he left, titled "Generation Kill", that I started reading on my trip to Germany. He told me last night that he has been reading it a lot and really likes it (wow, Nick likes a book). I planned to send (or have Nick send) it to Jonathan after Nick was done with it.

All for now.

Sunday, April 03, 2005

Message from Nick

Its pretty nice down here so far, ive heard many things bout the "hazings" that go on here when ur new to tha unit. I think it was last year when a SGT got in trouble for gettin a soldier all cut up and beat to hell. im not really to worried bout it. It also seems lik EVERYONE i talk to that has lived here thier whole life hates it and wants to leave. They say the Summer is great, but the winter SUKS! sooo cant decide if i like it or not until ive been here for at LEAST 1 winter.P.S.- I do know that im goin to the 501 INF Unit and it IS an airborne unit. SWEEEEEEEEEEEEET!

Friday, April 01, 2005

Nick called last night

Nick called last night. He will probably have his new cell phone by Monday. He said they are still building the dorms that he will be living in for the next 3 years - and he hears that they may have their own rooms. He said it doesn't feel as cold as the temp really is, probably because its dry. According to Nick, Fort Richardson is a very small base with only about 4 main streets. They have to go to Elmendorf AFB to go to the PX. He said that there are free transprotation around the bases provided by a wife's club. Sounds like he likes it there and the people have been very nice to him.